My name is...
Just in case, you may need to know how to say “My name is…" in many languages.
Just in case, you may need to know how to say “My name is…" in many languages.
Ok, it’s not a nice thing to do to Pooh, but it offers some small measure of entertainment at 4am.
Here you see our cat, Pooh, sleeping in the chair behind me at the computer desk. Pooh is very sleepy. So I put some stuff on top of him, just to see how well he’d take it.
It seems that Audioblog is temporarily (I hope) being flaky, and that’s where I’ve hosted all of my Blogathon audio.
Not to worry. I’ve uploaded all fo the audio to this server too, and you can access it directly from here.
Ha! I was just looking through my stats to see if anyone’s been reading this junk, when my watch alarm went off and scared me half to death.
I have my watch set for 6am every morning, and haven’t bothered to change it since it either wakes me up when I’m usually suppose dto get up, or it is completely ineffective. But when you’ve been sitting by yourself for a few hours, and you’re holding your chin up with your fist, and your watch speaker - which by being on the bottom of the watch is normally muffled by your wrist - is more exposed due to the angle of your arm, the alarm is really, really loud.
While you were doing whatever you were doing, I was writing and recording the last two chapters of Almost Friday. I have officially finished the project.
Now I need to finish out Blogathon, which basically consists of sitting around waiting for the posting times to come up for me to put the audio online. I’ve been considering how to fill that time.