
There must be intelligent life down here

Almost Friday - Pay Cut - Chapter 1

Well, here it is, chapter one, complete with the intro you guys helped me make. And it only took three hours. Amazing. Do you know how long the very first Almost Friday recording took? Like, two days.

Obviously, I need to settle down when I’m recording. I think this speed-posting is affecting my usual cool and relaxed recording pace. I feel like I need to go fast to get it done, so I’m saying the words too quickly. Hopefully, now that I’ve heard it a few times and recognize it, I’ll be able to settle in and go more slowly.

Almost Friday - Pay Cut - Chapter 3

Okay! Six hours down, three chapters online. If not for the stinking hosting problems, we’d be chapters ahead by now. Oh well, water under the bridge for now.

Next year, if people actually wanted to hang out at the house and help contribute to the story and do the other parts in the audio, that would be great. Actually, it’s what I had originally intended for this project, but nobody seemed particularly interested in being in physical proximity with me. Wonder why that is. I don’t hink I stink or anything…

Almost Friday - Pay Cut - Chapter 5

Oh, yeah, baby - smooth audio.

This one came out pretty good in spite of all of the transitions between characters. I wonder, do you think these characters sound any good? I mean, it’s clearly not realistic, but does it sound understandable? Can you tell what’s going on?