Well, here it is, chapter one, complete with the intro you guys helped me make. And it only took three hours. Amazing. Do you know how long the very first Almost Friday recording took? Like, two days.

Obviously, I need to settle down when I’m recording. I think this speed-posting is affecting my usual cool and relaxed recording pace. I feel like I need to go fast to get it done, so I’m saying the words too quickly. Hopefully, now that I’ve heard it a few times and recognize it, I’ll be able to settle in and go more slowly.

Ok, listen, enjoy, tell me what you think in the comments.

Be sure to include in your comments what you think might happen next, since that’s totally not written yet. (!)

And while you’re here… Please sponsor me for teh Blogathon! The pledges are racking up, but I’m still not at my $250 goal. Even if I get there, I hope that everyone keeps contributing. The Blogathon info is in the top right corner of the page.

MP3 File