Audioblog Test
This post was added while I was on the road using Audioblog!
This post was added while I was on the road using Audioblog!
It’s really easy to do!
You will be asked to say the words “almost friday” for the recording, which will be used in a mix as an intro to my Blogathon project. The call shouldn’t last more then 30 seconds altogether, and if your cell phone has a free long-distance plan, you don’t even have to pay for it.
I was thinking that it was pretty freakin’ hot around here today. I confirmed this fact when I noticed the temperature guage in my car on the way back into work from lunch.
I took this picture after I stopped. Just before I left, it was 107!
Put me on the side of the fence with the people who revile the term “Podcast” and would prefer something less fad-like, such as “Blogcast”. Yet, there are a bunch of tutorials on the net about Podcasting. And while I’m in the market for some podcasting software, I have yet to see anyone recommend any package that gets beyond “Try it out”.
For example, the most popularly recommended software on Windows (sorry Mac folks, I don’t have a Mac or the patience to try out your software on my emulator) is Audacity. Well, ok, Audacity gets the job done, but let’s face it - it gets the job done minimally. So what else is out there?
I wanted to add some links on my site to people who had sponsored me for this year’s Blogathon, so I headed over to the official site to see what they had.
I added the script they supplied to my site (This script can be found on your user page after you log in), and looked at the results. It seems that it only shows the number of sponsors and the total amount raised. Well, that’s fine, but I want to give my sponsors a little something extra.