
There must be intelligent life down here

Lost Again?

I’m sure you’re all watching this show by now, and since I can’t even really focus on the monitor because I’m so tired, I thought I would write eight paragraphs about Lost instead of writing more code for Wish List Live. (Incidentally- If you’re looking to suggest gifts for me on Wish List Live, clicking the Feeds link at the top of the page will take you to a newsfeed of gadgets that goes back to May or so. I’m sure you’ll find something I’d like in there.)

I’m not sure why I find Entertainment Weekly’s article title, Fetus of Doom, so amusing, but I do. And if that wasn’t one of the more freaky episodes since the pilot, I don’t know which one was. (EW has more Lost info if you’re really behind here. Catch up!)

Winter Jacket

It’s not as hard to believe it’s December as it is that the holiday season is upon us again. There are only 23 shopping days before Christmas, and I have zero gifts in mind, much less acquired.

Pat recently sent out email to everyone telling them to use Wish List Live. While I appreciate the support, I wish I would have had time to do all of the upgrades I wanted before everyone was force to use it. Oh well, I’m working on it as fast as I can. The new changs look great, primarily because the IE-only table design of Wish List Live version 1.0 now looks better as a CSS-enabled Firefox and IE-friendly version 2.0.

Dave and Evanne's Christmas Tree Extravaganza!

The Christmas season brings out the best and worst of everyone, oftentimes making for wonderful stories in the years that follow. The following story is an old one, and has been retold so many times over the years since it happened that I’m sure everyone knows it, but I hadn’t bothered to write it down for posterity. May the participants in this farce remain merry after my public retelling of their story - it ain’t pretty.