It’s not as hard to believe it’s December as it is that the holiday season is upon us again. There are only 23 shopping days before Christmas, and I have zero gifts in mind, much less acquired.
Pat recently sent out email to everyone telling them to use Wish List Live. While I appreciate the support, I wish I would have had time to do all of the upgrades I wanted before everyone was force to use it. Oh well, I’m working on it as fast as I can. The new changs look great, primarily because the IE-only table design of Wish List Live version 1.0 now looks better as a CSS-enabled Firefox and IE-friendly version 2.0.
I ran out of long-sleeved work shirts today. Time to do laundry. Instead, I foolishly wore a short-sleeved work shirt into the office and froze. What I really need to do is switch over to my t-shirt and sweater mode so that I can be warm and comfortable through the winter. It sure beats wearing my fleece jacket at the desk, which makes me out to be some kind of Mr. Rogers - Come into the office, take off coat, put on jacket, sit in chair, sing song, switch shoes, talk about crayons and play with puppets.
But moving on… Here’s a puzzle (more of a lateral thinking exercise), as is my custom in December, had you not noticed:
During your Christmas shopping, you wander into a most unusual store that sells only articles of clothing. On one rack the proprietor has set out various items on racks for purchase with price labels under each: A tie is $3, a shirt is $5, a blouse is $6, etc.Hanging on a rack is a very nice winter jacket, but there seems to be no price tag attached to it. With all of the shoppers in the store, the clerks have their hands full, and you’re only interested in the jacket if it’s a reasonable price. Do you know how much the jacket is?
Highlight this box for the answer: