
There must be intelligent life down here

Video games aren't made for me

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I like the idea of open-ended RPG video games, but not morbidly undirected games. Morrowind has yet to reveal its purpose to me - Previous versions of the Elder Scrolls games had a clearer path to the “End”. Also, Morrowind doesn’t make it easy to follow certain “career paths” in spite of how you align your starting stats, if you know what I mean.

Broke my E-string

My CD collection is all blocked away with stuff in the basement from the repairs we’re doing down there, so i downloaded Matthew Sweet’s “Sick of Myself” (my copy is not this poor - WMA9pro) on a whim. I had the window open and somehow managed to click on the “M"s (don’t ask me, I don’t know).

After I downloaded it and played a minute or two of it, I looked over to my left and saw the guitar and remembered that it was Matthew Sweet (among some others) that had originally spawned my interest in guitar at all. I picked up the guitar and started to play a little. And I sucked, as usual. Sucked so bad, in fact, that I broke my E string trying to play a D chord. Bah.

Coloring Workbooks

Abby’s been doing very well with her coloring lately. She is still working on filling large areas with a crayon, but she’s getting better. It’s like she gets tired of coloring with the crayon after a little bit. I think it’s because she pushes too hard on it to get it to write, when a lighter touch might do better and be less exhausting.