I’m sure you’ve heard about the Justice Department’s attempts to redact the Supreme Court ruling that talks about the dangers of abuse in censoring because of national security. What bunk.
- Bikes Against Bush
- This guy built a bike that receives SMS messages via cell phone and writes them on the sidewalk in water-soluble chalk. He was arrested during his interview with MSNBC. Watch the video!
- Satan's Laundromat: Go Directly To Jail
- Another biker and 263 of his buddies are thrown in jail overnight for riding in the regular monthly Critical Mass protest, which just happened to coincide with the RNC convention. Oops. Chemical burns ensue.
- How long can the country stay scared?
- An interesting take on the terrorist methods employed by our own government to keep us afraid of terrorists. Alert level red.
- Indymedia gets DOJ subpeona
- People write some harassing things about some RNC members and the secret service gets uppity.
Oh, by the way… This is just stuff that I found in today’s news. I can’t wait to see how tomorrow turns out.