
There must be intelligent life down here

Olympic Stuff

It amuses me that the Olympics people have tried to circumvent how the internet works with their archaic policies. It amuses me even more that they’ve got network TV to consent to not broadcast news of the games live so that local stations can cover it in their own time. This basically means that the US doesn’t get to see the games as they happen, but as the network deems them ready.

So, in case you hadn’t noticed, the US women’s gymnastics team took the silver medal, while Romania took the gold, and Russia took the bronze. Indeed, you can’t even get this news on the official web site (it was down when I last tried, but it’s here now, and foreign news sites are prohibited from serving that information to anyone with an American IP address.

The Manchurian Supremacy

I wanted to see the original before I wrote anything about it, but what the heck. I saw the new Manchurian Candidate recently. It’s not a bad movie, but it suffers from some slowness and a somewhat obvious plot twist.

I wonder if the original movie was as obvious or paced similarly. The original is supposed to be some classic film, but Frank Sinatra evokes thoughts of the Rat Pack, which doesn’t enthrall me. This happens to a lot of supposedly classic movies. Oh, well.