I wanted to see the original before I wrote anything about it, but what the heck. I saw the new Manchurian Candidate recently. It’s not a bad movie, but it suffers from some slowness and a somewhat obvious plot twist.
I wonder if the original movie was as obvious or paced similarly. The original is supposed to be some classic film, but Frank Sinatra evokes thoughts of the Rat Pack, which doesn’t enthrall me. This happens to a lot of supposedly classic movies. Oh, well.
Nonetheless, I liked the movie well enough. It is similar in theme to the book I read, Interface, by Stephen Bury, and that was pretty good. I recommend this book over that movie.
I also saw the Bourne Supremacy. I don’t know what you all see in this Bourne stuff. I mean, it’s a decent action movie and all, but it’s got very little substance. And when they ditched Franka Potente for crappy old Julia Stiles, well, there’s something wrong there.
People who like the movie keep telling me that the books are better. Well think about it like this- I didn’t like the movie and if the books are better versions of the movies, then I probably really won’t like them. Besides that, we listened to the audiobook on a Johnstown trip (The Bourne Identity) and it was just bad. Maybe you can chalk it up to the voice actor, but I simply wasn’t compelled. Even the DaVinci Code was a better thriller.
So toss The Bourne movies in the Stargate bin. No, it wasn’t that bad, but if I was forced to throw DVDs out of my hot air balloon to keep aloft, this would be one of the earlier blockbusters to hit the open air.