I was suposed to have created a voting page for baby names long before now, and I’m just a slacker.
Anyway, I’ve at least assembled some of the names that Berta and I like. These are not all of the names that we might choose from, nor are all of these names contenders. For example, there is no way that I would name my son Warren. No. Way.
I wasn’t going to differentiate who had picked what names, but I will mention that I did not pick any boys names that begin with “W”. Not to point any fingers at Berta or anybody.
Nonetheless, here is what we’ve got so far. I would be surprised if the actual name we use is not in amongst these names. Right now for a girl’s name, I’m favoring Darcy. And for a boy, I still like Darien, but Riley is pretty cool.
In case it hasn’t dawned on you why any of this is important, tomorrow is the ultrasound, and we may find out whether it is a boy or girl. It might be a bad idea to reveal which it is until we get some good names on both sides, because we don’t want to be surprised in November and have to choose one at random. But we’ll see. Anyway, the names: