It looks like the Project-Blog thing is going to be a pain in the butt.
If you wanted to donate to my cause, you would have to create an account, which requires providing an email address. A message is sent to that address, which you must respond to before you can pledge any donation to my charity. This seems like an incredible hassle. I think that only really dedicated folks will go through the trouble of creating accounts and whatnot, and when I did it myself, I had all sorts of issues.
So I’m thinking I might have to do the Blogathon/Project-Blog thing without the assistance of the Project-Blog site. Can I trust you all to actually give the money that you pledge to my charity, or should I collect the money and send a check myself? If I send a check myself, you’ll all need PayPal accounts, so it would be just like signing up for Project-Blog anyway, except you wouldn’t have to wait for their ridiculous configrmation email before you could donate. Granted, most online folks have PayPal accounts anyway.
What do you think? If you could reasonably donate $5 to my charity, which way would you prefer to do it- Honor system or PayPal signup? Or should I stick with Project-Blog? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll write up a little bit about my charity in the meantime.