
There must be intelligent life down here

Gas Prices

Here’s what I know: If gas prices get much higher, I’ll be biking to work. It’s getting to be too much of an expense to fill the car up every week.

Meanwhile, we’re subsidizing Iraq’s gasoline so that they can pay 5 cents per gallon to fill their tanks. That’s $1 for 20 gallons. I wonder what the price of gas was in Iraq before we subsidized the importing.

Venus Transit

I totally forgot about the transit this morning. I had heard of it a few months ago when I was looking for some neat stuff to look at through my telescope. I was planning on having a solar filter around so that I could see this, but that didn't materialize, and I didn't even try out the pinhole method that we discussed in class last night.

Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next transit in 2012, when it’ll be easier to remember because it’s happening at sunset. Abby will be 11 then, and possibly interested in seeing it, too.

eBay Creativity

I’ve gotten bored with the A+++++ feedback ratings on eBay. Everyone seems to leave them. So I’ve started being a little more creative with my own feedback. For example, I recently sold an MP3 player to a guy in West Virginia, and left this feedback:

I thought that was pretty crafty.


Since I had off this week, I thought I would do something fun that I don’t normally do. So I stuffed Pat and Dave in the car and we headed out to Hersheypark.


I wrote a new plugin for WordPress called Exhibit that displays thumbnails and links to the original photos. There are many ways to display the photos when a user clicks on a thumbnail, all of which can be configured in the plugin file.

This site uses Exhibit to display images!