Here’s what I know: If gas prices get much higher, I’ll be biking to work. It’s getting to be too much of an expense to fill the car up every week.
Meanwhile, we’re subsidizing Iraq’s gasoline so that they can pay 5 cents per gallon to fill their tanks. That’s $1 for 20 gallons. I wonder what the price of gas was in Iraq before we subsidized the importing.
I’m spending 1.5% of my salary on gas these days. I think it’s time to consider carpooling, public transportation, and dusting my mountain bike. Here’s a plan I was mulling over the other day: Berta can drive me to work in the morning, and drop me off with my bike. I would ride back home, avoiding the nasty uphill climb, and probably getting to work at a reasonable time, not all sweaty from peddling.