
There must be intelligent life down here

House Husband

I started this book the other day, House Husband, which is about this guy who moved with his wife and daughter to Rochester, New York so that his wife could take a better job.

Prior to Rochester, he lived in California and owned and operated a landscaping business. When he gets to Rochester, only his wife has a job, and instead of finding one, he falls into the “rut” of being a homemaker.

Lonely Owen

I would take time to post pictures from Abby's birthday, but I've been kind of busy between school and Abby-tending to do that.

Berta's been out of town since yesterday, and isn't due back until tomorrow, when we leave for another Johnstown trip. Apparently, we're staying at Therese's, which I didn't know until a few minutes ago when I got Therese's phone message about bringing our own pillows out because they were short. Apparently, I'm just not destined to be in the loop, or maybe I cause too much trouble when I know what's going on.

Miss it?

Sometime yesterday I swtiched the whole site over to WordPress from PageCat. This was no small feat. PageCat’s database is much more flexible that WordPress - all of the fields are custom fields that fill in a user-defined template. WordPress has fixed fields for this purpose. (Yes, I know that WP has custom fields, but there is currently no easy way to display posts from different categories using different code that includes these custom fields.)

Anyway, the site should be completely online now, with comments preserved and everything. All of the old URLs should still point to the old articles. There will be a few glitches here and there, I’m sure, but you should still be able to read everything.

Mom on Jeopardy

Last Tuesday, Mom went to the Lowes hotel in Philly for Jeopardy tryouts. She had to fill out some test questions, and got to meet some of the clue crew and Sean, Jeopardy’s biggest winner. She says the test is harder than the show, mostly because there was no consistency between questions like there are in the categories on TV. Hopefully she gets called for the show soon (a trip she’ll have to pay for herself) because it takes 120 days after your show airs before they send you a check.

Paul Green's School of Rock

We’ve been hearing a lot of stray music coming fromthe lot behind the house at night. I had assumed that it was the gymnastics facility having some kind of exhibition, but the music has always been loud and rock-like, and not what I would typically associate to gymnastics.

So after I shoed away a minivan full of teens from in front of my house tonight, I wandered out to the lot to see what was causing all of the commotion.