Sometime yesterday I swtiched the whole site over to WordPress from PageCat. This was no small feat. PageCat’s database is much more flexible that WordPress - all of the fields are custom fields that fill in a user-defined template. WordPress has fixed fields for this purpose. (Yes, I know that WP has custom fields, but there is currently no easy way to display posts from different categories using different code that includes these custom fields.)
Anyway, the site should be completely online now, with comments preserved and everything. All of the old URLs should still point to the old articles. There will be a few glitches here and there, I’m sure, but you should still be able to read everything.
Some new things: I signed up for an account with Audioblog, so you should soon see posts that contain an audio gadget. This service lets me add entries to the page by calling a phone number and leaving a message.
I can also blog by email now, so I will be able to update the site while I’m away in Johnstown or wherever. That will be something fun to do if I get bored. (Ha! That’s a joke!)