P5 VR Glove
A working VR glove (6 degree motion, including pitch and yaw) for only $79? Cool. [Via flashenabled.com]http://www.essentialreality.com
A working VR glove (6 degree motion, including pitch and yaw) for only $79? Cool. [Via flashenabled.com]http://www.essentialreality.com
In a desperate plea to find more applealing radio content than daytime soaps, I've recently taken to listening to Rush Limbaugh on the Big Talker 1210.
One thing that you have to understand is that Rush is all about entertainment. I mean, he's a radio personality. He doesn't really exist as a political pundit. He makes commentary on how he sees things from a decidedly conservative viewpoint. In this vein, I can't help but think his naive views are vocalized to elicit a reaction from his audience.
Emily over at I Don't Think generously offered to craft book thongs for her readers recently.
Berta is always looking for a new book marker for her books because Abby likes to remove them and hide them. Actually, I've seen books laying about that have torn bits of napkin in them since there is nothing else around to use as a marker when Berta is done reading.
Tired of your CSS not working properly in IE? Fix it by adding a file to your site and a second stylesheet reference to each page.http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/
I have been meaning to add this picture to the site for a while, but haven't done it for no good reason. With the telescope Berta got me for Christmas I set up shop in the front yard and started looking at the sky.
During my expedition, I came across Jupiter with its stormy lines and many moons. The planet was clear enough in view that if you waited for the atmosphere to mellow out, you could make out a couple of red lines across its face. Even more interesting is that if you back away from the planet, you can see many more of its moons. There sure are a lot of them.