
There must be intelligent life down here

Table Position

Do you do this at your home? Does everyone sit at the same seat around the dinner table every night? I wonder why that is.

Since we moved into this house, we’ve all seated ourselves at the kitchen table in the same seats. Part of the seating seems to be practicality - Berta sits closest to the kitchen, since she’s most often the one making dinner and having to run back and forth to get things. Me sitting opposite her seems natural to that, and the kids on either side, with Abby (being the elder of 3 years) sitting on her preferred side; the side near the windows, not looking out them into the sun in the evening.

Follower Failure

I’ve been reading Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky. I’m not actually that far into the book yet, so there’s time for him to come back around, but as yet, I’m finding a lot in the book to disagree with.

Yesterday’s discovery of Dooce’s clotheswasher issues have added to my dismay. I’m taking a completely different angle than the readers she complains about. Really, I’m not complaining about her at all – I’m glad she got her washer issues sorted out. But in a similar way to what irritates me about Here Comes Everybody, she makes a point to say that the power of Twitter that we should all use is one that empowers the common man to make changes for the good.

I Start Writing Again, Do You Care?

When I started writing this blog way back in the ancient times, I was using it to write. Sure, a lot of it was opiniony stuff, but there were a few poems and stories. It’s something I enjoy doing.

Over the years, I’ve kind of stopped posting that stuff here. I think this is primarily because I think the audience of my site here would be confused about it. When I have posted fiction in the past amidst regular opinionated content, it has seriously confused regular readers, who have commented in what reads to me as humorous, but really isn’t a kind way to treat readers.

Travel Prep

Here comes the busiest conference time of the year - September. Apart from school starting, which probably merits its own posting (assuming I can ever get back into the swing of regular writing on this blog), there are any number of conferences to attend this month and next.

This month, I’ve got plane tickets to hit Columbus, Ohio for the Habari Party – an event whose name I’m not fond of, but is good enough for the purposes of celebrating the third year of Habari development. It sure does not seem like it’s been that long. While I’m there, I’ll also be popping by the Columbus PHP Meetup chapter with skippy to pitch Habari in some fashion.

Marginally Insane, Talking to Myself

This is likely to be a somewhat odd post from the usual, but better that than nothing. I really need to stop starting my posts with these inane prefaces – you’d certainly get the idea that the post was odd just by reading it, without me having to tell you.

I’ve been thinking about this a bit more frequently lately: I can’t be the only person who has this running internal monologue. Actually, I know I’m not. Other people write about theirs. While I’m not certain I’m different, I have noticed on occasion that some people’s monologues stop. They stop frequently.