Here comes the busiest conference time of the year - September. Apart from school starting, which probably merits its own posting (assuming I can ever get back into the swing of regular writing on this blog), there are any number of conferences to attend this month and next.
This month, I’ve got plane tickets to hit Columbus, Ohio for the Habari Party – an event whose name I’m not fond of, but is good enough for the purposes of celebrating the third year of Habari development. It sure does not seem like it’s been that long. While I’m there, I’ll also be popping by the Columbus PHP Meetup chapter with skippy to pitch Habari in some fashion.
I’ve been trying to coordinate a few other plans. The weekend of Ohio Linux is pretty tight. Mom is going to be at the beach house that weekend, and I’m not sure if that’s the weekend everyone will want to go down. Also, my coworkers are trying to coordinate some kind of canoeing event on that day in preparation for our race in October. So there is some contention for the date. If things go as they usually do, I’ll end up sitting at home in front of the PC that weekend, paradox of choice and all.
October looks to be pretty busy, too. We’re hopefully going to plan a Halloween party in lieu of this year’s somewhat canceled birthday BBQ. BlogWorld is in October on the same day as CPOSC. CPOSC is cheaper and local, but of less overall interest to me, espcially since my proposal for presenting was turned down. Then again, going to Vegas alone again seems… questionable.
I suppose over the next five days I should think about what it would be useful to say to two groups of people about Habari. First, the group that doesn’t know what it is but knows PHP, then second, a group that knows what it is but doesn’t necessarily know PHP. Crazy.