
There must be intelligent life down here

Nobody Loves Me

I'm come to the conclusion over the past week that people have stopped listening to me altogether.  This is probably as a result of my constant prattling of discriminating views.  I usually have something negative to say about everything, and I usually don't mind spilling my opinions on anyone, whether they care to hear it or not.

So I've noticed lately that people seem to care for my opinions a lot less these days.  Or maybe I've just never noticed that they didn't care to begin with.  It's more dubious because it seems like it's not just opinions, but just day-to-day conversations.  I certainly don't expect everyone to care about my daily actions very much, but the vibe I'm getting off others these days is, "Just shut up, already."


Asymptomatic has been neglected over the past few days because of the holiday and other things that are involving. It's interesting how when things get busy it becomes more difficult to write, yet those are the times when there are more things to write about.

Sunday was Easter. So I had off work last Friday. Berta doesn't get a holiday on Good Friday, so I was at home alone with Abby all day. She has her little routine that she she likes to do, which she has learned from Nana. It's difficult to break her of little things she wants to do during the day so that you can do something fun with her. We went out to A.C.Moore to get some drawing supplies with her birthday coupon. We got a new pack of crayons and a new crayon pad. I also picked up a set of Blowpens, which I thought we could use on our Easter eggs.


I thought this was a good attempt.  Hopefully it will be worth a check-plus.  It has all of the good stuff of writing compositions - topic sentences, transitions, thesis...  Only one more to go for this class, and then I'm on my own for topics to put here.

Note that this is not based on the old black and white film, but the new one directed by Kenneth Branagh starring him and Al Pacino.

Mail Server Updates

I just yesterday finished updates to the mail server so that SpamAssassin would run.  It is configured so that when mail arrives at the server, it matches it against some criteria.  Based on how well email matches, the server tags it with a number and lets it pass through otherwise unaltered.  Messages that get a rating higher than 5 have their subject lines tagged with {Spam?}.  Messages with really high ratings are tagged with {HighScoreSpam?}.  It is now very easy to sift out the spam using a filter in an email client.

In addition to this change, I have added virus detection on the email server.  If a potential virus comes in via email, the email subject line will be tagged with {Virus?} and the attachment that contained the virus will be removed from the message into quarantine on the server.  Suspected virus files can be retrieved if I fetch them from the server.  It would be cool if you could send mail to somewhere to retrieve your files.