I'm come to the conclusion over the past week that people have stopped listening to me altogether. This is probably as a result of my constant prattling of discriminating views. I usually have something negative to say about everything, and I usually don't mind spilling my opinions on anyone, whether they care to hear it or not.
So I've noticed lately that people seem to care for my opinions a lot less these days. Or maybe I've just never noticed that they didn't care to begin with. It's more dubious because it seems like it's not just opinions, but just day-to-day conversations. I certainly don't expect everyone to care about my daily actions very much, but the vibe I'm getting off others these days is, "Just shut up, already."
Maybe I'm not making a serious enough effort in becoming authoritative on topics that I wish to discuss. I really think that I've been washing out my mental avatar with newsfeeds and weblogs and "caring" about inconsequential things.
And perhaps I don't pay enough attention to other people. But I find that I stand alone in my own interests. With no one on my side to keep me motivated, how will I ever complete anything? How can I perpetuate interest in the ponderous trivialities of others when I am not afforded the same courtesy?
So here begins a new policy of ambiguity and neutrality. No more opinions on anything. No more bias for any product or service or cause. If my opinions on something don't garner respect or attention even in that which I am an authority, then none of my expertise will be proffered. Of course, all of this applies only outside of this forum, which is paradoxically immune to being ignored due to its push nature. (You're reading it because you want to, and if you ignore it, nobody notices.)
I'm tired of being inconsequential.