
There must be intelligent life down here

Cthulhu in my shower

Berta has been off from work all week because Nana and Mom have gone to San Fransisco, and we wouldn't have daycare otherwise.  While she has been home she's been trying to paint the downstairs bathroom, which is requiring a lot of work.  With all of the sanding and spackling (Did you know that Spackle is a brand name?  Not to be confused with Spackle, the eye-candy web site.) it's hard to use the bathroom.  Expecially with all of the ladders.

Anyway, she went to Home Depot yesterday.  The guy there recommended a sealant paint and said that like many latex paints this one would dry best in a dry room.  The bottom line was that it would be best to not shower in that bathroom while the paint is drying.

Game WISH 39: Cheating

This is from the Game WISH page:

Have you ever played with someone who cheated? (Fudging dice rolls or implying greater powers than they really had, or some other abuse of in-game trust…) How did you handle it? How would you recommend it be handled?