I've been thinking of doing this for a while, but I wanted to do it right, so it's taken a long time. Anyway, here are 100 things in no particular order that you may or may not know about me. Enjoy...
- I was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania on the same day as Jakob Grimm of fairy tale fame, but 99 years later.
- My 30th and subsequent birthdays will be celebrated in June because having a birthday near Christmas just stinks.
- Some of my Germanic family settled in Indiana, though I have a good fraction of Italian background.
- I have one brother, who I get along with well and talk to fairly regularly, and too many cousins to bother talking to any of them.
- Mostly, I was a good kid; never really getting into any kind of significant trouble, and also never really taking any risks.
- I'm not really keen on heights, but I only really have a fear of being afraid, a concept which has a solid form in my mind.
- In spite of the slight fear of heights, I started taking flying lessons when I was 15.
- Even though I was brought up as a Catholic, I don't consider myself a religious person, and haven't been to church in quite a while.
- I suppose that if I had to be sorted, I would end up in Heaven rather than Hell, but nobody has ever made either option sound appealing enough for me to put concerted effort toward it.
- Whenever I think of something even marginally embarrassing I've done in the past, I start talking to myself, a habit I picked up only after studying this phenomenon in Psychology class.
- These days, I play video games to relieve stress more often than to enjoy them on their own merit.
- Even though everyone says I'm a picky eater, I eat pretty much every type of food, and as such, I can afford to avoid the foods that I could simply take or leave.
- Doesn't everyone pick their noses when nobody's looking?
- I hate driving because it's a sea of people in death machines who have agreed to obey rules they can't remember and then don't bother with common sense when they forget them.
- My true talent is in writing computer code, an art which I've practiced since I was 8.
- My first computer was a Timex-Sinclair 2000, which was exclusively for programming; having never occurred to me that it could be used to play games.
- With enough practice, I believe I could be an excellent writer, but I don't read enough and am too flighty.
- I wish I had enough artistic talent that it was worth trying to hone into a useful ability.
- These days my default mood is "despair" since I always feel like I could be getting something done, but only have motivation enough to watch TV.
- I have recently discovered, after being a life-long Coke devotee, that Pepsi isn't so bad.
- One thing that I really need to do is discover how to organize my time and thoughts better so that I can finish things.
- Despite of my rampant disorganization, I have a strange affinity for stationery stores like Staples, especially the folder and notebook aisles.
- I have always wanted to do the regular assortment of extreme sports - skydiving, snowboarding, windsurfing, scubadiving - but haven't arranged for it to happen, yet.
- When I was younger I had a crush on that gelfling muppet girl in The Dark Crystal.
- I often wonder what Internet celebrities I would be hanging out with now had I cared about school in 11th grade.
- I like the smell of the citrus-mint candles they had at the Discovery store that never smelled the same anywhere other than in the store.
- I met Berta in college by sending random messages to people in the computer lab, and we've been together now for 13 years.
- Berta and I were married during a small ceremony in our back yard, to which only about 20 people were invited.
- We were married for a couple of years before Berta and I had our first adorable kid, Abby, in April of 2001.
- I'm looking forward to the day I win the lottery so I can finally dedicate a few minutes to the 80 or so personal projects that are starving for my attention.
- If I was forced to describe my personality using an animal, I would certainly prefer not to.
- Whenever I'm in a threatening situation, like walking in dark city alleys, I have vivid daydreams about fighting off potential assailants ninja-style.
- These days, I spend most nights watching TV at home, but I've taken a new interest in stargazing.
- I always wanted to be one of those people that has a good time out at bars and clubs, but I'm not.
- I believe that there is a class of people to which I don't belong - the "big" people - who seem very adult, authoritative, and worldly. They are all taller than me.
- This whole process seems ephemeral to me, and so it seems essential that I try to include mostly those beliefs that won't expire and events that I can't go back and change.
- With the sudden dearth of take-out around here, hot wings are a luxury that I wouldn't mind enjoying more often.
- I have a pathological inhibition for playing video games only on consoles and not on my computer, in spite of buying the occasional PC game.
- When I was younger, I had a mysterious knee injury that prevented me from riding my bike for a year.
- I desperately avoid games that I am not good at, with the exception of bowling, which I do once a year to celebrate my birthday, another thing I'm no good at.
- I was one of those gifted kids in school that went to special "smart kid" classes, but only after teachers recommended I be held back remedially.
- I can trace back my pariah status in grade school to a single event in kindergarten when I degraded the birthday gift given to me by my best friend.
- My classmates in high school voted me "Most likely to die in front of a computer", and if this list takes much longer to write out, it's likely to come true.
- Recently I discovered the virtue of rap, but I still won't admit to liking it or wanting to have anything to do with its culture.
- The only political party that comes close to characterizing me is Libertarian, but I realize that labelling myself as such will never get me taken seriously, so for the record I'm a Republican.
- When I was growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut, which eventually led me to want to be a fighter pilot, which eventually got forgotten somewhere.
- If I became suddenly rich, I wouldn't give out money to friends and family like they all say they would because I'm a practical miser, and would first ensure that my immediate family lives comfortably.
- My most desired exotic vacation destination would be to see the pyramids in Egypt.
- I have walked inside the Taj Mahal in my bare feet, and while there took a picture with a digital camera of a small stuffed dog.
- I'm told that I pick up languages pretty easily, and I can sound out things written in the Cyrillic alphabet, but I have forgotten a lot of my six years of Spanish classes.
- If I had the opportunity to learn another language fluently, I would choose Japanese.
- Living without broadband Internet access these days would be tantamount to masochism, and I frequently feel out of touch when forced to be away from a computer for more than a few days.
- I think my nose is pretty big, and that I'm too short, but other people don't seem to mind.
- I wish I could stop being cynical long enough to enjoy myself at least once a week.
- When I was in school, I was a varsity wrestler in the lightest weight class available until I sprained my elbow wrestling someone 10 pounds heavier than me and had to sit out for a few weeks.
- The coach that didn't catch my teammate choking me in the varsity wrestle-off, thus forcing my loss, was convicted of child molestation a couple of years later.
- I broke my right collarbone twice while wrestling (once on my birthday), and my right ring finger once while playing that game where you try to prevent the balloon from touching the floor.
- When I was little, I said that my favorite color was red because I got tired of taking turns with my brother using our family's one blue Tupperware cup.
- In college, my roommate and I hosted a morning radio show three days a week called Assorted Hysteria, over which we had been both threatened physically by frat brothers and praised with student activity awards.
- I was somewhat lauded by classmates in college for doing all of the homework and acing the tests, but never going to my Calculus class.
- My most vivid college memories include: Spackling the ceiling tiles with toothpaste while saying farewells to Berta before winter break, sitting around Brian's apartment being offered hash browns by his toked-up roommates, Sandy stripping out of her sweat suit after we finished spelunking, "Don't throw the Kristy, she's greasy," driving to CMU to stay with Michung for a weekend of her spring break, and sitting on my bunk with a stuffed donkey while my roommate spit tobacco into an iced tea jug.
- I'm slowly learning not to hate because the fault can just as easily be mine.
- I really miss my buddy Chris, whose death from cancer has never really registered with me, and who meant more to me than I realized during the short time we spent together.
- There are many books about astrology and numerology and such at our house, but it's more of a scientific curiosity than something on which I would ever base my life.
- I've been an answering service operator, a country club bus boy, a pizza maker, a graphic designer for a neighborhood coupon tabloid, and a meat slicer at the Arby's in the mall.
- I have always secretly wanted to be a bicycle messenger, and I think it's because I like either the frenzied bike transport of non-faxable cargo or their super-cool messenger bags.
- I have been told that I say "okie-dokie" a lot, perhaps too much.
- My Sunday School randomly selected me as one of two students to give a gift to the retiring cardinal who performed our Confirmation ceremony, and with this random selection God seems to have considered my store of luck as "run dry".
- I am the only one of my friends that I know of who is an official RPGA-certified Dungeon Master, yet I probably know fewer of the rules than any of them.
- I take showers that are far too long, and have compensated for it by sleeping in much too late, which is to say I haven't done much.
- Thanks to my mom, I have been in Times Square on New Year's Eve, which is one thing that I've always thought a person should do once in their lifetime.
- I have found that the serious headaches that I would often wake up with were caused by sporadic caffeine intake, so I should really stop this unhealthy consumption of caffeinated beverages.
- Two dogs, five cats, a few birds, and a ball python have all been pets of mine at one time or another.
- I suspect that when I'm dead people will deface my tombstone with some phrase such as, "He hated Stargate."
- At one time, I had my ear pierced and dyed my hair blond, but after 6 weeks of non-stop wear, the piercing healed overnight and the colored hair eventually grew out and got cut off.
- When I was in Las Vegas I got a tattoo of a jester on my arm, but it was just airbrushed on and didn't survive the flight home.
- While out with friends who had driven, we once gave a ride to a strange guy who later offered us a cut of his cocaine deal instead of the cash he had originally proposed, and we three white boys got lost in the ghetto trying to get home after dropping him off.
- I've seen a lot of live bands, but my favorites include: Toad the Wet Sprocket, Guster, Cake, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Beck, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers
- My name is printed as a contributor in a White Wolf book, Subsidiaries, for the "truth-is-stranger-than-fiction" research I submitted about gas stations cheating customers at the pump.
- I also have a credit in a D&D net book for a spell called Impotence, and although I don't remember writing it, I'd hate to think of any alterate reason why I would have been given credit for it.
- Given my choice of clothing to wear, I'll probably default to jeans and T-shirt, but you'll more likely find me in business casual since that's my work attire.
- I'm a consummate gadget freak - rarely does a month go by without some newfangled device landing in my palms.
- I lived by myself for a year in Johnstown, but that doesn't really count as "alone", since the only time I was alone was when Berta wasn't there, which is to say, when I was asleep.
- Like many, I only really enjoyed the episodes of The X-Files that had nothing to do with the metaplot.
- It may sound like I'm a real geek for many things on this list, but I don't think I come off as a particularly geeky in person, especially in comparison to some people I've known over the years.
- I've always thought it would be cool to own and ride a motorcycle, and I think that in terms of personal style I'm more of a rice-burning crotch-rocket kind of guy than a Harley kind of guy.
- Berta and I used to do the ACNeilsen Homescan thing on all of our groceries, but the battery on the scanner wouldn't charge, and they got mad when we told them so, so we sent it back.
- I have a soft spot for my old mini red pickup truck, which was the first car I ever owned on my own, and was the only car I bought with standard transmission before I knew how to operate it.
- I have a neurotic dislike of the needless shortening of words, such as "U" for "you", which was instilled in me when I first started using bulletin boards sometime around 1984.
- Over the years I have honed a kind of aura that repels busybody sales clerks, which is only inconvenient when I actually need assistance.
- I bought my parents' old house when they moved out and have moved back in and been living in it for quite some time now, which yes, feels weird.
- I have vivid color dreams that often seem prophetic, but are usually just induced by sleep-deprivation.
- Good or bad, I speak pretty much exactly how I write, or better put, I style my writing to sound like how I speak: Confusing.
- Probably due to sitting too close to too many monitors, my eyesight keeps getting worse, but people always deride me for complaining so vociferously over such a "weak" prescription.
- I've tried to learn to play trumpet and piano, and briefly took a stab at a stolen clarinet, but only recently am having mild success in making loud noises emanate from my electric guitar.
- I didn't finish college, and I'm continually evaluating the wisdom in my restarting as of 2002.
- Berta and I own a timeshare week in Florida near Disney World, where I'm sure I've visited at least 10 times.
- I used to travel to the Chesapeake Bay on summer weekends with my grandparents to a place where our boat, The O & P, was docked.
- Being terrible with names is one thing, but I'm both terrible with names and well-recognized to the point where people are always saying, "Hi, Owen," and I can only ever say, "Hi," in return.
- I have made a concerted effort to write 100 things about myself that don't necessarily depend on each other for explanation, demonstrating how truly meticulous I am.