I’ve been thinking of having a contest to drum up another round of comment magnetizing. I just feel in a good mood about the blog, I suppose.
The problem is that I don’t know what the contest should be. Truth be told, I had a decent contest set up back in December. It was all Christmas-oriented. The problem was that the questions in the quiz I had constructed were too difficult. I don’t want to give too much away because I may use the quiz next year as a novelty or something, but let’s just say that if you didn’t know the number equalling two times the mass of the Earth, you weren’t going to solve my puzzle.
So, yeah.
What I need is a good puzzle idea. I briefly thought that I should award a prize to the most creative puzzle, but then I thought, “That’s stupid.”
I’m also seeing a lot of “send proof of your tsunami relief donation and win a prize” on blogs, and I don’t like this. First, shouldn’t you feel rewarded enough by donating? Second, shouldn’t they be donating the cost of the prize to tsunami relief? Third, in spite of the fact that it’s a serious issue and people should be thinking about it, I don’t want want people coming here for a contest and then being brought down by how many thousands of people had to die for them to get something from their Amazon wishlist.
As far as prizes are concerned, I’m not giving away web space. I have a lot that I don’t use, but I’m not interested in maintaining the server in your interests. Not today, at any rate. But I have some good stuff in mind.
All of this just to get people to come to the site and check things out. I suppose that I should get some superior content together first. That will be interesting, and I have just the thing in mind…