Well, there are less than 8 hours left in the Blogathon, and I’ve finally smartened up about how this is done.
I’ve written out the path for the rest of the story. If I can remember the details of what I want to do, there should be no trouble wrapping up the main, non-continuing storylines from this evening’s adventures.
There are a few things that aren’t going to be wrapped up, and I’ll be leaving those things for future episodes. What, you didn’t think that I was only going to do this just this once, did you? No, this is too fun!
I might not do it all in hour-long chunks over the course of a contiguous 24 hours, that’s all. It’s just not healthy. Just not sane.
As a result of knowing where the story is going to go, I’m gonna try not to post scripts for the rest of the night. That means I’m going to have to describe a bit about my process or explain a bit about the story background or something between each of the audio segments.
This is going to be harder than it sounds because I should be writing script right now if I intend to get it done to record it in time for the on-the-hour deadlines.
I’ll manage.