It’s not quite ready yet. I want to get some keyword filtering stuff in there, and the phpOpenTracker is being bullheaded about it. Nevertheless… I figured I would update here briefly concerning features.
The first image shows the basic filtering settings for the plugin. You can get as granular as returning results for the last ten minutes! Want to see what people are currently reading? This is the was to do it.
But hold on, there’s more…
Want to see what a single user is up to? Drop down the “Display” box, choose “Host” then click “Show”. You get a list of IP addresses and the number of page hits from each. Click an IP address to show only the pages that they’ve been viewing. Expand or contract the time range as you see fit. Check out the second screenshot for a view of the Host-filtering option.
As I said, I want to get a more robust keyword report in there, but you can see right now in the third image that it can return referer information. You can see Becca’s site sending me a hit in the last ten minutes. (Hi Becca!) Search engines are bold, and I might add an icon or something - I don’t know yet.
What I’d really like to do is get a nice profile page- Click on a button in the results to display a special summary for the data that you clicked. For instance, like the Host listing. I’d like to see the clickpath through the site (the order in which a visitor traversed the links), the time on each page, the original referrer, user agent, operating system, etc. I should be able to coerce all of this information out of the system.
phpOpenTracker is neat, but not well-documented. That is to say, the code itself is very well-documented. Too much so in some cases. But the actual end-user API has virtually no documentation. I have no idea how to access some of the more complex features like clickpaths or search term discovery. I may end up writing it myself using the data that is already logged.
Anyway, that’s where that is. As soon as this is done (probably very soon), I’ll be moving back to Exhibit. (Not that I stopped, but I’ll be more focused on it.)