I just thought I would mention that the Sci Fi Channel has renewed Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar Galactica is easily the best sci-fi drama currently on TV, blowing away anything that Berman has done with the now-cancelled Enterprise.
It’s a shame that the Star Trek world can’t be made “edgy” with all of the Gene Roddenberry happy touchy-feely sentiment.
Even series that people adore like Babylon 5 (what do people see in this show?) don’t hold a candle to Battlestar’s production values.
The depth of character on Battlestar dwarfs many non-sci-fi shows on TV. It’s almost too bad that it airs on Sci-Fi, instead of on a major network.
If you’re not watching it, you should. Check it out during prime time on Friday nights at the Sci-Fi Channel.