I wrote this little anecdote in response to something I read elsewhere.  I was recently reminded of it when I encountered this comic from benisadork.com.

A heartwarming TP story

Being the constant complainer that I am, I never bothered to confront my girlfriend about her preference in TP winding, feeling that I would just be adding to the long list of dumb things that I bitch about.

After we were married (some years into our relationship) I did bother to ask her why she preferred to install the roll to reel under-wise. Her response was that since she had started doing it that way and I didn't complain, she just kept doing it - even though she prefered it the other way.

We've been reeling the TP over ever since.

Moral: Just because someone does something in a way you don't like, that doesn't mean that they aren't open to change.

Also: Wy wife is très spiffy.