I've been keeping an eye on the Trac timeline for WordPress, watching new fixes come in and changes get committed. It's still not ready for public consumption, but it's moving along.
The latest commit comes from Matt in the form of a resizeable WYSIWYG post editing area. It's very cool. As of yet, it doesn't seem to retain the height of the box via cookies - I wonder if that's a reasonable enhancement to request. Still, it obeys the setting in Options|Writing for the default size of the box.
In the screenshot, you'll see a bunch of odd things, even if you've been testing the 1.6 code. First, I added some buttons for inserting more and nextpage commands. These are available as a patch in Trac.
There is also a checkbox under the editing area for executing PHP. That's a plugin, not part of 1.6.
The thing that resizes the post editing area is the little gripper handle in the lower-right corner. You can drag it to make the box bigger or smaller. It's actually quite handy.
There are quite a few "commit" bugs in Trac right now for the current features, mostly for stuff that has changed and isn't working. I have applied many of these fixes, and my svn working copy seems to be keeping them merged into my code. It'll be nice when some of them are finally committed, though.
Also on the WordPress front, Firas and masquerade have been hard at work on wp-medic, which looks like a pretty slick system to troublshoot WordPress woes. Even if you're not currently having troubles with your WordPress installation, you might want to check it out.