I’ve complained about this before, but maybe I’ll do it again and someone will listen this time.
I need a little tray gadget that notifies me of RSS updates. It shouldn’t be a full reader. It should just display a pretty little popup box when a new entry is added to one of the feeds I read. It should display the content of the entry as text, nothing fancy, and a link to the actual post.
It would be really cool if it synced with my Google Reader account so that when I added a feed there, it would start tracking that one in my tray applet.
Something this simple would make my life so much better. For all of the stuff I build for the web for other people, can someone offer me this simple little program in exchange? Please? Do I have to write this one myself, too.
Want to make it even better? Make it a Windows Twitter client, and have it track the Twitter RSS of the account that it submits to. That would be really slick.