

I worked with Allen Klinger at Kruse a couple of years ago. We had a worthwhile relationship, both at work and socially. We spent many good hours discussin politics, philosophy, computers, music, and other topics. After he left Kruse and moved to Oregon, we kept in touch via email and his blog, which I host on my server. I have much respect for his views on life.

Today at work we received a call from Allen’s mom. Apparently, there was an accident during his trip to Europe. While ice skating in Vienna, he slipped and hit his head. I’m sorry to say that Bud is no longer among the living.

I’m very shocked. I “talked” to Bud via IM just a couple of days ago, when he mentioned his plans for traveling to Austria. It seemed that he was in a very good mood, and happy to be traveling between countries with his friend. His postcard even arrived today from Paris… His death is oddly sudden for me.

I extend my condolences to his family. I hope that Milo finds a good home. Bud’s friends or family should feel free to leave word here or email me (my email address is the linked “Owen Winkler” at the bottom of this page) with information or questions of any kind. I have left a notice on his blog to direct visitors to this entry, which I hope will reach those who are concerned.