Yesterday was extraordinarily busy.

I had to go to the school bookstore at lunch to pick up my two 80-pound texts for class.  Then after work I went to two classes, Discrete Math and Intro C++.  I think Discrete Math might be fun.

It's about boolean algebra - true/false, sets, and stuff like that.  It's a fundamental computer science discipline.

Intro C++ sucks.  There's something to be said for a mature class, and there's something to be said about a class of mature doofuses.  Conversely, my Discrete Math class has a 14-year-old with a superiority complex.  Unlike many adults in the class, I can be both empathetic and dismissive toward this cretin.

After school I went to the gym and ran for an hour.  I did nothing but cardio last night from about 10pm-11pm. I kept screwing with the treadmill settings and accidentally resetting the timer, so I have no idea how long I was on there.  Then I pedaled on a recumbent bike for a while.  It's different, yet still a work-out.

While I was on the recumbent exercise machine, I watched this total republican ass on CNN talking about various news items.  Sometimes, you just want to get up and strangle someone, and it doesn't have to be the person in the TV, just because they make you so angry.