A career? I've thought about this quite a bit sir and I would have to say considering what's waiting out there for me, I don't want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I dont want to sell anything bought or processed or buy anything sold or processed or repair anything sold, bought or processed as a career. I dont want to do that. My father's in the army. He wants me to join, but I can't work for that corporation, so what I've been doing lately is kick-boxing, which is a new sport... as far as career longevity, I dont really know. I cant figure it all out tonight, sir, so I'm just gonna hang with your daughter.There's a new comic store in Downingtown on "Main Street" (Linclon Ave.) called Fat Cat Comics. I have not been in there yet, but they advertise games on their store windows. Seeing the Warhammer stickers, I assume that they at least have Games Workshop stuff. Hopefully, they've also got some D&D, and then I'll actually have a supplier for my games.
Of course, what we really should do is implement my Wholesale RPG idea from April.
I’ve discovered that you can download pretty much any TV show that’s been on in the past week rather than watching it when it’s broadcast. What you need to do is join a torrent community, where you sign up for membership (doesn’t cost anything, but keeps leechers out), and then you search the archives for clean copies of shows. I watched most of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow last night.
I noticed this afternoon that my pants had a giant hole in the crotch. I think this is a remnant from the night Abby jumped on my face and I angrily took her upstairs to bed. When I got there, I put my leg up on her bed in a weird way and tore my pants. I really need to get out an get some new fall clothes. I only have one long-sleeved shirt. Also of note is that my pants were way more comfortable with the giant hole.
While I’m out I should check into Star Wars: Battlefront. It’s supposed to be a decent game. I wonder if Blockbuster has it in. I’m amused at their video game selection sometimgs. For instance, when Riddick came out, they had a ton of them. But when Sudeki was released it took them weeks to get in their single copy. I wonder what they have since done with all of those copies of Riddick.
I’m running through a ton of topics trying to jog my memory of what I really wanted to write about which has something to do with the tails of squirrels. I’m not sure what on Earth it could be. Hmm.
My QuickOffice for the Palm has died again. I’m not sure why, but every so often it simply loses its serial number. And it’s a pain in the butt to find again to set it up. I was trying to show Berta the QuickSheet application, and it gave me the registration box. Infuriating.
I think we need to put together a little pseudo-shower for Berta and Kid Two. He’s really getting the short shrift in this being born deal. We’re very far behind in getting things prepared for his arrival. No bed. No playroom. Unsafe toys everywhere. Sigh.
I’ve been pushing off writing about the Disney experience because I want photos. All of the photos are on the notebook except the ones that are in the camera. I suppose that I took a lot more pictures than I thought I did, and probably a lot more than last time, and probably a lot more bad pictures, too. At least I tried to take photos of some people this time.
Abby’s been going on about taking Nana to Chuck E. Cheese. I’m not sure what has Abby so excited about Chuck E. Cheese, especially after a week in Disney World. I get this faint feeling like I’ve failed somehow when she gets so excited about a redemption arcade but doesn’t want to ride on the Winnie the Pooh attraction.
I think there should be NFL football games twice a week. Don’t you agree?