Dear Web Development Community,

I’ve been running a web site of my own since 1995. I have used shared servers, dedicated servers, virtual private servers, and all sorts of operating systems with various hosting companies. I even host some services out of my home office.

I also have an immediate need for a to-do list application that is web-based so that I can access it from wherever I go. I should also either be able to sync it with my Palm, or use it from my Palm’s web browser without having compatibility issues. It should take advantage of the latest technical innovations in web development like Ajax.

For the love of all that is holy, create an open source version of something like all these todo apps so that I don’t have to pay $5-$20 per month for yet another service that I could be hosting myself. Stop waving around the phrase “nothing to install” like it’s the rallying cry of every user. Your service-based application does nothing additional for me that a self-hosted todo application and a little personal TLC couldn’t do. It might also help if the open source application you create didn’t utterly suck and was written in PHP and not Ruby/Rails so that I could make changes if I needed to.

I refuse to use any of these hosted applications, whether they are offered for free or not. My personal information is not yours to hold. My personal information is my own responsibility to maintain, and I’m happy to do it if you’d write the freaking software and just give it to me.

Thank you,