I’ve been looking at some delphi components that would help write an editor of some description. Yesterday I was yammering about how Edit Pad Pro isn’t quite the editor I need it to be. So I put some research into what it would take to get my Delphi 2005 installation up to snuff for building a brand new editor. I found some good components.
econtrol’s syntax editor is the core around which one could build a good editor. I was using Dream Company’s editor, but I have the worst time contacting them for updates, and the code requires significant hacks to do even some basic functions. I hope that the econtrol edit doesn’t have these same issues. It seems that its syntax highlighting is quite robust, and it also supports autocomplete, token hints, gutter icons, and collapsing code sections. Neat.
The ElPack of components has always been one of the better component packs, but it’s been difficult to get upgrades since its move to LMD from Eldos. Now it seems like the upgrade will be easier. Specifically in this set I use the tree component and the tab control. The newest version also includes a component that converts existing scrollbars into the ElPack flat style. That will look nice.
The Delphi Dabbler site has an interesting port of the diff program from C to Pascal. This should prove better (more efficient) than the code that I wrote so long ago to perform this function, and would allow me to include a diff feature inside the editor.
The TMS Scripter Studio is an essential part of adding macro and scripting capabilities to the editor. With it, you can define functions in Delphi code within the application and execute them at runtime. The TMS Pack of controls is also usually on my development list, but my registration has expired, and there are other components (ElPack) that reproduce the functionality of the parts of TMS Pack that I use.
The Delphi Inspiration’s DIPcre component is essential for regular expression use. It supports look-aheads and assertions, and the most recent version seems to support recursions. Yay!
I use JAM Software’s Shell Browser component to add shell capabilities to my applications. It displays files and folders using shell links instead of reading directories with the native comands, which is inaccurate.
A new toolbar set that I’m enjoying is Tooblar2000 and its TBX extension. TBX augments Toolbar2000’s abilities with styles and docking panels. It makes dockable windows much easier to accomplish.
ShellPlus allows you to integrate into the Windows shell very easily. It creates context menu handlers, extra property pages for files, and special tooltips for files on mouseover. It does some drag and shell notification handling, too. It doesn’t seem like it works with Delphi 2005, though. I’ll have to check in on this, although I don’t think it’s necessarily essential for writing an editor.
Maybe you’ll see a prototype soon. I’m going to install some demo components and see how that goes.