I don't know about you, but I use the little volume gadget in my Windows tray far more often than a person should have to.
...And it's too darn slow.
Fortunately, I am a programmer. As such, I have certain skills with writing code to solve problems such as these.
After much fiddling around (and a complete lock up on the part of the compiler) I have completed version 1 of TraySound! (See download link, below...)
TraySound is a replacement for that slow piece of garbage that comes with windows. Basically, it puts a little speaker icon in the tray area of your task bar. (This is the area that usually appears in the lower-right corner of the screen, with a few icons and the clock.) When you click on the speaker icon and drag, the master volume level for your computer changes.
If you drag up or right, it increases. If you drag down or left, it decreases.
What a wonderful innovation! You no longer need to wait for Windows to load a whole slider (and why this takes so long, we may never know) in order to mess with the volume.
Visual feedback for the sound is provided by changing the actual tray icon. You can tell when it gets louder because the sounds look louder. You'll have to run it (or examine the pictures more closely) to see what I'm talking about.
Anyway, this is version one. In the short time I wasted on this application, I couldn't get it to open the control panel's multimedia applet, like the orignal tray icon does. No worries, you probably won't ever need to do that. But when I fix that issue, I'll release version 2 with a real installer that will make TraySound run when you start your computer.
So give it a try and let me know what you think!