Not that I usually have a lot of vibrant energy for creativity, but I’m feeling pretty generic these days. It may have something to do with this sickness I’ve accrued and the drugs I’ve been taking to keep the symptoms abated. There’s also something in the air, though. I sat in my car for a while at lunch today, just staring blankly out into space, thinking of nothing. This type of Zen is not something that normally comes so easily.
As I told Berta, my sleep on Sunday night was the best sleep I’ve had in a while. I didn’t go to bed too much earlier than usual, and I actually got up earlier on Monday morning, so it wasn’t due to a longer sleep. Maybe it was the fresh air in the house. The continual A/C at home and work might be getting to me, and the cool air outside this week is very welcome.
It’s becoming clear that my neighbors think I’m some kind of psycho. Mr. Fell was waiting for me in his truck yesterday when I got home to ask if I needed help rebuilding the fence in the back yard. I don’t think he had noticed that I have noticed that he’s always sitting in his truck when I get home, like he’s waiting for me. He kind of creeps me out most of the time.
I bet that there are rumors of my involvement in some underground porn ring using the computer, because in the minds of my neighbors that’s the only reason one could need to know as much as I do about computers. It bugs me that the houses are so close in our neighborhood that our neighbors could hear us talking about them through our open windows. So of course it will have to be done loudly in tones of irritated disbelief.
The girl across the street had never used a DVD player before; it’s understandable how my neighbors could fear the unknown. (Conversation: “Don’t you have a tape player?” “Yes, but we don’t have any tapes.”) Insert a quote here about the one-eyed man being god among the blind, who subsequently stone him to death. They fear me and my self-righteous, technologically megalomaniacal ways. But there I go treading down that path of expressing disdain for everyone again, and I was really trying to get past that.
Have I mentioned that I don’t like Bush lately? Hmm. Slacking.