Happy FFAF! It’s only Phill, popping round for a brew…as for movies, I saw Mr and Mrs Smith a bit back, it was funny, but not that great - the plot was poor. As for those i want to see, Charlie and the Chocolate factory is on my definite list. I liked the last film, but it wasn’t too true to the book, and it’s a long time since I read that, so that could be quite good…and bewitched, I think it has nicole kidman in it, saying that I’m not actually sure what she looks like. I adore the 1950s TV series, it used to be the highlight of the days I had off sick, and now they’re re-showing it on living :) I was always fascinated by magic so it could be a good film…
~ Phill from blackheart where the FFAF fun don’t stop :p