Berta’s car has this crazy feature that displays the pressure in all four tires on the main display in the dash. (Yes, it’s a screen - were you expecting less gadget? Honestly?) This morning, it blew the warning whistle on the front right tire - again.
Driving with a flat in a minivan is dangerous business because they are more prone to rolling over than most cars. The pressure in the tire wasn’t too low (5 PSI below rating), but it’s disturbing thta this has happened three times in the past week or so that I’ve been driving it.
I filled up the offending tire with air once after dropping Abby off at school. This seemed to correct the problem temporarily, but I assume that there is a slow leak in that tire. I’m actually wondering what kind of tires are on the van (touring vs. all-weather) since the snowy season approaches and the traction in the van will be pretty important for our trips West.