Berta took off work today because of some paperwork issue at Abby’s school. Apparently, they lost her medical forms and won’t be allowed back at school until they’re replaced. Berta contacted the doctor on Monday, but it takes 5 days to produce the report (yeah, right) so Abby’s off school today.
I didn’t ask her what she intended to do while they were home, though I noticed that the terracotta pots for the catnip were on the kitchen table, as well as Abby’s Midnight Circus t-shirt. I assume they’re going to paint the pots today. Berta suggested that they might meet us for lunch.
Tonight, Abby is going to stay over at Mom’s and Berta and I will attempt to see Spiderman 2. Everything I’ve read or been told about this movie says it’s much better than the first. That’s fine by me- I wasn’t underwhelmed by the first one.
Tomorrow is Good Neighbor Day in Downingtown, and I was thinking to let Abby try some of the carnival rides this year. If she likes it, we may yet hit a real amusement park by the end of the summer.
I’m particularly interested in this year’s wife carrying and watermelon spitting contests, which are set to take place at 8:30 pm. I don’t recall ever seeing such events in the park.
We’re not really having a cookout/picnic at the house this year. I think Berta isn’t thrilled to clean house, and I’m not thrilled to entertain. Perhaps it will be a relaxing day. Of course, the whole day will loom under the threat of Berta’s want to clean out the garage for this yard sale on Monday. This should be done in the spring or fall because it’s going to be much too hot in the garage to be loitering over my old junk, and everyone will become angry and just start throwing everything away, me included. Maybe that’s her evil plan.
Anyway, Sunday is the fourth itself, and we’re going to head up to the Kornaga’s in the evening to hang out. In the morning, I was thinking to go check out the tall ships, but now that I’m thinking about it, it could be impossible to get into the city in the morning. Perhaps we should find something else to do.
Monday I’m hoping to read and relax a little, but if history repeats itself, that won’t happen. I finished Kushiel’s Chosen yesterday, and I think I need a little light reading before moving on to Kushiel’s Avatar. Thankfully, there are only three books in the series, since I’ve come to realize that in spite of (and perhaps because of) their alternative leanings, these books are pretty much romance novels set in a fantasy world. In the end of this recent book, Joscelin and Phaedra end up together. Isn’t that sweet. (Remind me to write a diatribe about playing RPG characters properly to offset any specific granted bonuses.)
My light reading for the weekend will probably consist of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, a dead tree edition of which has been collecting shelf dust since Christmas. I like Cory Doctorow, having read Eastern Standard Tribe already, so I expect I will enjoy this book. There’s nothing like good science fiction to cleanse the palette after heavy courtly fantasy.