I’m going to do the Free For All Friday thing and letting my readers make new posts to my site. This should be dangerous… (Prize info below!)
Here are the rules, more-or-less cobbed from the FFAF site:
- Please keep it somewhat clean...if you don't think I would post it, don't. (Note that my use of profanity here is pretty limited - there is an actual policy I abide by, but posting the policy would violate the policy.)
- I will delete and or edit any posts I feel are inappropriate.
- Please don't forget to sign your post and pimp your blog. If I don't know who you are I can't come to your blog and share the fun.
I’ll put up a notice tomorrow on how to post. It’ll be really simple if you know WordPress, and just plain simple even if you don’t.
Be sure to check out the other FFAF participants. I learned about this thing from Val, and I’ve been meaning to participate for a while, but only recently had the means in place to accomplish it.
If you’re looking for something to say besides, “Hi, nice blog, here’s mine: [link]”, here’s a topic to try: Snow Incidents. If you’ve ever had an “incident” in the snow, post about it. Post about the time you wrecked your car, or the time you broke 32 bones in a horrible snowboarding mishap. It doesn’t have to be terrible, but those are certainly more interesting. I’ll post at least one of mine to get you started, but I’m giving you notice so that you can think about what you want to write. Of course, you can leave a simple post if you want, but…
I’m offering a $10 Amazon gift certificate for the poster with the best story - We’ll all vote afterward! (Family members are excluded from winning prizes, but are welcome to contribute. This contest is by-the-seat-of-my-pants spontaneous, so the rules may change at any time.) In fact, as the stories start pouring in, feel free to leave comments on the posts to vote for the one you like. Be clear that you’re leaving a vote.
Any questions before the games begin?