
Two things that are on my mind at the moment:

I would like a good set of filters for digital photo enhancement. I just want the colors to “pop” a little more in the photos I take than what they do. It seems like the colors are true, I just want to enhance them a bit.

Also, it would be keen if there were some simple color-correcting filters I could apply. I’ve got some photos where the white balance was off, and they look quite blue. I would love to be able to correct those.

Although I do have Photoshop, I would like an actual filter so that I could use it from Irfanview, as opposed to a set of actions, which I can only use when loading the bloated full Photoshop application. When all I need to do is adjust color, I don’t need the full power of Photoshop, if you see what I mean.

On a development topic… A couple of us were wondering if anyone had developed a graph Converter for phpDocumentor. What I would really love is if we could include a few extra phpdoc comments, like @flow that would be taken into the parser and output as graphs in the phpDocumentor output. This could be passed through to graphvis or something for producing the actual graphs.

Building Converters for phpDocumentor seems like a task in itself, so I’m wondering if anyone has gone down this path before. Anyone?