A while ago I nominated Habari for the SourceForge Community Choice award for Best New Project. Unless you’re a first-time visitor, it should be clear that I think Habari is a great tool, and I’m really happy to say that we’ve managed to make the cut of finalists for the award! So now I need your help…
It’s actually one of my goals to get myself nominated for a web award. But technically, this award isn’t for me – It’s for the community of folks who have put together a really great blogging package. Allow me to live a bit vicariously and suggest that winning the award for Habari would be just as thrilling for me as to be nominated for my own award (which seems a long way off in coming, if ever).
If Matt Asay would stop by any of the places where our group congregates, he’d learn how deserving of such an award both the software and the community is. We’re not fringe, we’re up-and-coming!
So here’s what you can do to help Habari: Go to Sourceforge and create an account if you don’t already have one. When you have your account, vote for Habari in the Best New Project category. While you’re there, look at the other categories and vote for them too. There are a lot of good projects in the lists. (Although why Drupal shows up in half of them is a mystery to me.)
At the end of July, we’ll see if we have made any difference. Hopefully with your help, Habari can win the first of many awards like this!