I don’t know if this counts but here goes. Before my wife and I got married she used to work at one of those major book store chains. When the last Harry Potter book came out the store was whipped into a frenzy of preperation for the day of the book’s release. the day was to be like a second holiday season rolled into one day, plus it was during their jump into summer reading program start so you know it was going to be nuts. My wife was a member of the kids department and they were in charge of the show. All the staff of the store was asked to dress up as their favorite Harry Potter character and to help with events for the day long release. Part of the day included acting as most like your character as possible. The Harry’s were in force but plenty of Professor’s attended the event as well. I couldn’t help but smile as the employees of the store led the various customers’ kids in games and stories for all and the parents’ tried to show they were the most important by forcing their children to wear ridiculous outfits all day. That day I got to see my wife led hundreds of kids around her department all in various custumes and all loving the idea. I felt the preformance wasn’t forced and generally deserved four stars!!
I going with that as my favorite performance and it was important to me because my future wife(who was my girlfriend at the time) was there smiling and having a grand old time!
thanks for the FFAF,