I am going to tell you about a trip I am going to take, instead of a trip I have already took.

As you already know, I’m a #wordpress regular. During my times in #wordpress, I’ve met several people I now consider to be friends. One of those friends is Chris J. Davis.

Chris is expecting a baby any day now. I couldn’t go without seeing Baby Davis, so I talked with Chris and decided to come visit late October, early November.

The fun doesn’t stop here. Rich Bowen aka DrBacchus, lives in the same town as Chris. He has offered his guest bedroom to me so I can prolong my trip.

And just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Skippy has decided to drive down for the weekend also!

So exactly when will this trip take place we asked. I found out Rich is having a birthday October 25th, so I HAD to be there for that! We have decided that I will be arriving in Ole’ Kentucky October 26th and I’m staying through the 30th.

I have to be entertained right? Well, Rich has become the offical planner for the trip. He has a week packed full of geeky fun for me!

  • Friday, October 28th, he is having his annual Pumpkin Day Party. We are going to carve pumpkins and he thinks he is going to teach me how to bake pies. I tend to work better in other rooms of the house, not the kitchen. Skippy will be arriving this day and will stay the rest of the weekend with us.
  • I have to see the baby! Ok, I have to see the baby A LOT! Baby Davis has to remember his/her auntie geeks right?
  • Rich also has planned for us to watch dumb sci fi movies all night.
  • We are going to make pink bubbles. (details after it happens)
  • I also *might* get a tattoo.

How am I going to be able to handle all this geekiness! I might implode!!!
