Hmm. I noticed some dude hotlinking an image on this site; one of the animated WordPress 1.6 images.
It’s probably not a good idea to display those images in places other than where you’re very careful not to promote the use of alpha code. You should really not be using the alpha version of WordPress.
Moreover, you should really not be putting images from my site directly into your posts. The alternative would be to steal my image and host it on your own server, which is still not good because seeing as I went through all the trouble of making the image in the first place, don’t you think people who see the image should see it here?
The correct way to link to an image on this site is to create a link to the image - just an anchor tag. You should probably also (or instead) have a link that points to the post that talks about the image. Otherwise, there is no context.
I used a hotlinking script I found over at ALA to make the situation a little better. I might make a few slight changes to the script before everything is said and done, perhaps to verify whether the incoming link is a link or an image tag, and act appropriately. That way, hotlinked images can actually look like something - instructions for proper linking of images.
If you’re linking to an image here that you think shouldn’t be restricted, please email me.