I used to have this keyboard odometer thing installed, but it never worked quite right. I’d forget to reset it each morning, so I wouldn’t get a clear count of daily keypresses.
Anyhow, I just totalled up the character count on the three new wiki pages I added today. Just the new pages, not the changes to the old pages, and not the code that I wrote that was the impetus for these changes. The total doesn’t count the email between writing or any of the work I did on Wish List Live.
The total for those three pages is 19476 characters. If the average word is 5 characters, and you add one byte for a space between words, then those three wiki pages are about 3246 words. That seems like a lot.
If every day I focused half of that on writing a novel, I could complete a 50,000-word novel in 30 days easily. One novel in 30 days. That sounds crazy, but I think it’s doable. Anyway, that’s not even half a day’s worth of typing, nor is it - as I keep pointing out - the full sum of what I wrote in that half a day.
Jeez, I wrote 210 more words just in this puny post!