
Sitting among all of Berta’s siblings and their husbands (none of her brothers are married), it ocurrs to me that the only other persson here besides me that is a father is Berta’s dad.

Father’s Day is a weird holiday anyway. How do you celebrate it? I don’t know if there’s any traditional method of celebration, but I don’t recall doing anything specific every year.

Is there a gift involved? Berta and her siblings seem to think so. They’re working on obtaining gift certificates before supper tonight.

Abby even gave me a gift she made in school at the FatherLs Day party we had there on Friday. Itls a little keychain made of melted plastic beads in the shape of a heart. We had (root) beer and pretzels on the playground.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the day brings. The best gift for me at this point is returning me to my bed at home, where my back won’t be murdered by sleeping bag and hard wood floor.