I like to eat lunch on weekdays so that I can be in the car between 12:30 and 1:30 when Who Wants to Be a Millionaire is on. Today, a contestant was so stupid, it left me wondering whether they screen these people at all.
It was only the first question. Everyone knows that the fourth answer (d) to the first question is incorrect. So why did this girl spend so much time deliberating about whether the correct answer to the question “What do people commonly say when there is a morsel of food left that they wish to claim?” was “Hey, gimme that!”?
It’s because they’re idiots, I tell you. And it seems that they hype them all up back stage, too, no matter how stupid they are. This girl was so upset that she had to use a lifeline to ask her daddy what Bob Hope’s signature prop was that she cried during the commercial break. Bad makeup job. Ugh. So dumb I could barely listen.
Then again, maybe it’s a conspiracy. They don’t want to give away the big prizes so they get people who can’t answer questions past $8000. What a crock. Maybe if I acted all Tv-giggly like these fools I could win me some serious cash. Nah, I’m not as pretty as this girl was, so they’d never have me.