This year’s already typically smally crop of magic corn feed shrunk even more as a result of the strange greenhouse-effect climate changes. Being that the magic corn feed is in atypically short support supply, Santa needs to budget his flying feed appropriately so that he can stay aloft for the entire evening of toy delivery.
A fact of reindeer flight that is not too well known is that it only takes three of the reindeer to move Santa and his sleigh full of toys through the sky at any given time. The other reindeer use this time to rest while still keeping aloft with the residual effects of the magic feed, but are not actually pulling the sled. Due to this, Santa figures he can budget the use of his magic corn feed to time it perfectly to coincide with these rest periods. But how?
A single bag of magic corn feed will last one hour. A reindeer will need to rest for two hours for every demanding hour that he pulls the sleigh.
Assuming that Santa uses all eight reindeer to drive his sleigh (Rudolph is just the headlight and doesn’t actually have the pulling power and stamina of the other deer), how can he schedule the reindeer feedings such that they stay aloft for the entire 24-hour delivery period?